Rossland Redmen
While Trail and area is best known for its hockey, there were a number of teams and athletes who excelled at lacrosse during the 1940's and 1950's. One of those teams bringing recognition to our area, was the Rossland Redmen.
Lacrosse had been played in the Trail area through the 1920's 1930's and 1940's, but in the late 1940's, a group of athletes from Rossland joined together to dominate lacrosse in this area, as well as provincially in the mid 1950's.
The Redmen played in the West Kootenay Lacrosse League, playing throughout the Kootenays and the Okanagan.
Those who remember the Redman say they were a "very well-oiled machine" who excelled in all facets of this grueling sport. The teams were skilled and very well conditioned.
The Redmen went on to win the B.C. Lacrosse Championships in 1954, 1955 and 1956. It was during these years that the Redmen were at their peak.
Rossland Redmen, 1953In those days, there were no national lacrosse championships, so unfortunately, the Redmen were not able to experience the opportunity to become national champions.
However, the Rossland Redmen were considered to be one of the premier lacrosse teams of their era.