Entries in Industry (25)


Robert Rowlands

Robert was born in Trail in 1936. He received his Bachelor of Applied Science from UBC, and a Masters and PHD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Upon graduation, Robert was employed as a Researcher at the IIT Research Institute. Since 1975, he has been the Professor at the University of Wisconsin in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Robert has had a distinguished career in mechanical engineering. He has twice been awarded the Attenyi Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics for best research paper of the year. He has also received the Frocht Award of the Society for Experimental Mechanics. He is a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics and the American Society of Mechanical Engineering.



He has lectured on a variety of mechanical engineering courses at the University and also lectured throughout the United States and abroad. He has also participated in many international conferences.

Robert has provided support for the University of Wisconsin’s program for minority students during the summer months and has received funding for the past 30 years from the US Military, the Federal Government and private industry.

Robert has served and is serving on a variety of committees within the University at the Administration and academic levels.

Finally, Robert serves as a consultant to research institutes, government, private business and industry, and engineering organizations.

Robert is a leader in mechanical engineering and his contribution to his profession, his University and his students is exemplary.


Roger Watson

Roger Watson was born and educated in Trail and received a BASc degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 1964.

He joined Cominco Ltd. in Kimberley, BC immediately after graduation and was transferred to Trail in 1971.

In 1977, when Cominco started its Trail Modernization & Expansion Program, Mr. Watson was appointed Assistant Manager.

From 1980 to 1985, Roger was Manager of this Multi-project Lead, Zinc and Fertilizer Construction Program representing an investment of $700,000,000.

In 1985, he was appointed General Manager, Zinc Operations and in 1989 became Operating Vice President, Trail.

On January 1, 1995, Mr. Watson was appointed Vice President, Smelting and Refining for Cominco Ltd. In that position, he was responsible for Cominco's global zinc and lead smelting activities which included operations in Trail, the Cajamarquilla Zinc Refinery in Lima, Peru and Cominco's Corporate Research Activity Center in Trail.

Mr. Watson passed away in 2000.


Ronald Soligo

Ronald is another Trail native who has succeded internationally. Ron was born in 1936 and received his Bachelor of Arts degree at UBC in 1958 and a PhD at Yale Univeristy in 1964. He is currently a Professor of Economics at Rice University in Houston, Texas.

Ron's expertise is in the field of Economic Development. He has written numerous papers concerning world economics and the problems of economic development internationally. In particular, he has focused his research on the countries of Pakistan and Colombia. He also has written on mirgration, the network affiliate relationships in television broadcasting and the transition in Russia. He is currently working on issues of energy security, as well as the relationship between level and composition of energy demand in economic development.

Ron continues to teach Economics at Rice University and to further his analysis of world economic development issues.


Selwyn G. Blaylock

Selwyn G. Blaylock began work with the Canadian Smelting Works as an assayer at Trail in 1898 and worked his way to becoming the President and Managing Director of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Limited.

His many accomplishments have been recognized by the mining and metallurgical professions.

In 1924, he received the McCharles Award for outstanding work in Canadian metallurgy from the University of Toronto.

In 1928, he received the James Douglas Medal for metallurgy given by the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy for distinguished achievement in non-ferrous metallurgy.

In 1935, he received the International Nickel Company's Platinum Medal for outstanding work in Mining and Smelting.

In 1940, he received the Gold Medal of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy of Great Britain, one of the highest awards in the mining world.

In 1944, he was granted an honorary membership in the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, one of the highest honors it is within the Institute to bestow, in recognition of his eminent standing as a metallurgist, engineer, and administrator of a mining and metallurgical enterprise.

Selwyn died in 1945.


Thomas D'Aquino

Thomas D'Aquino was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Council on National Issues, an organization of 150 Chief Executives of major enterprises in Canada. He has held this position since 1981.

Thomas was educated at the Universities of British Columbia, Queen's and London, holds BA, LL.B and LL.M degrees and an Honourary Degree of Doctor of Laws from Queen's University.

From 1962 to 1972, he was a Special Assistant to Prime Minister Trudeau, has managed his own consulting firm, has been a Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa and is acknowledged as one of the private sector architects of the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement.

Thomas has been referred to as one of Canada's foremost policy strategists and one of the country's most effective Ambassadors abroad.

Mr. D'Aquino resides in Ottawa.

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